Sunday, January 29, 2012

still sewing

I have been sewing will post pictures soon. I haven't been sewing for at least a week though my lovely daughter made a mistake and closed the car door on my finger not bad just bruised and swollen and it did hurt but I am OK will be posting and chatting this week. Have a good blessed week.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

mishap and mistakes

I was sewing simplicity 2408 and sewed the neckband on the wrong side ha ha ha. I used the Serge which is probably my 4th time using it but I am determined this year to get a lot of sewing done and learning to sew on my serger. I really did like sewing on the serger I did have a hard time with the curved seams and sewing straight it goes so fast so I did slow down and it went better and i am still not sure about the seam line markings on the machine but i did see a great tutorial on you tube afterwards. I still cant post picture i probably will post all my sewing pictures this Friday or Saturday. VACATION STARTS I WILL BE SEWING.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


i havent done any sewing have my fabric cut and pattern but just havent been feeling well hope i can sew this weekend

Sunday, January 1, 2012


I originally started this blog to motivate me to sew more but i didn't.Well its a new year and I want to sew,knit(i am still teaching myself not a slow learner just lazy), and maybe dabble in jewelry making. I will also be going back to school but I know i can find time to sew. So whatever your dreams of in the sewing world or life get to it. It's a new year. I am in the patternreview stash contest and I have three patterns ready and waiting most of my material is more than 6 months old some 6 years but i really do want to sew 60% of my wardrobe this year.I will be posting (getting a new camera this week). HAVE A HAPPY,PROSPEROUS AND JOYFUL NEW YEAR.